Coffee Morning Get Together and Support

We are now having Coffee Mornings on a FRIDAY.

Keep an eye on this space. The next date will be published shortly

Trims Café      40-42 Playne St. Frankston 3199

Email us or ring 1300 550 962.

Come along for a chat with other carers at Trims Cafe, in a Covid safe way of course.

Trims Cafe is just near the corner of Playne and Young Streets details are below:

Looking forward to seeing you all then.

Take care and stay safe

The PCC Committee

SANE’s online carer forum is now accessible directly from SANEte

The SANE  Carer online peer-to-peer support forums are now accessible directly from the SANE website.

To access :  SANE Carer Forum

It’s a space where carers  can link up and ask questions, share stories, tips and offer support.  Once registered you can then connect with thousands of other carers, 24/7.  There is also a separate forum for people living with mental health difficulties

The compassionate and positive nature of the forums provides many benefits such as feeling less alone, and support. For those already seeking professional help, the forums can provide a supplementary place of ongoing peer support and reassurance.

‘People say they understand but really they don’t, and I reckon they would rather not know. I feel I have more understanding now, in two or three posts, than I have had in years,’ Forums Member.

The Forums are:

  • Moderated and available 24/7
  • Anonymous
  • Welcoming for all members of the community
  • For people to connect with others in similar situations and experiences
  • Can be a place to get support and advice
  • Can offer social connection, especially useful for those who are isolated socially or geographically
  • Are for carers and for people with lived experience
  • Have clear participation guidelines
  • There are procedures in place for people who are at imminent risk of harm
